
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Weather or not...

I'm generally fascinated by people's obsession with weather. On a positive note, as long as you have changes in weather, you've always got something to talk about with strangers. However, over my many decades living in the midwest I've often been annoyed by people complaining about the weather. If you hate snow and cold - why do you live in the midwest? However, this spring I've found myself obsessing about the weather more than usual.

First the wind. Strange thing to complain about - but it's been really windy! And given that I've had a mysterious case of overly dry eyes for almost a year now, running, walking, inline skating or biking out in the wind is even less fun than usual because if the slightest particle gets in my eye, it's seriously painful. But it's been really windy - not just breezy. Running across our many great bridges I've often felt as though I might be blown right into the river. Or into traffic.

Then there have been the weather fluctuations. Thunderstorms one day, unseasonably cold the next. This past Saturday I was alternating between freezing and overheating on my long run. I usually dress fairly appropriately and don't complain about being too cold or too hot. But for this spring weather, it's been difficult to get it right. But then wait two days - literally - and it's 80 degrees. It's just a little difficult to keep up.

But I'll adjust. We all will.

Hey, hot enough for you?

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